Bibliotecaria, Docente de Nivel Inicial
con especializaciòn en Literaratura Infantil, Docente de adultos y adolescentes y Catequista. Actualmente terminando la carrera de Profesora de Primaria y comenzando la Licenciatura en Bibliotecología
Se trata de un emprendimiento del gobierno de Quintana Roo, México.
Esta biblioteca temática cuenta con la más alta tecnología y su función
es apoyar la educación de más de 18 mil niños y adultos de este municipio. Se encuentra en el parque Juan Pablo II de la Colonia San Gervasio.
Es otro genial invento de nuestros amigos de Chácara do Saber,
de Serra Redonda, Brasil. Esta particular biblioteca se encuentra
“literalmente abierta” a todos los niños de la zona. ¡Pública, libre y
¡Gracias Jaciara Vieira Castro por compartir esta idea con nosotros!
La idea es "sembrar" (dejar) un libro en un espacio público (farmacia,
automercado, bar, transporte público, cine, museo, etc...). Pueden
participar de la propuesta todos aquellos que lo deseen liberando un
libro este 21 de marzo de 2015 en el lugar donde vivan o se encuentren
en ese momento.
Para participar, deja un libro en un espacio público con una dedicatoria en una de sus páginas que indique:
- Que el libro forma parte de "El Club de los Libros Perdidos".
- Que es de quien lo encuentre pero que al finalizar su lectura deberá
ser liberado, para que pueda ser disfrutado por otras personas
- El día y el lugar en dónde fue perdido, así en cada liberación sera posible saber por dónde ha viajado.
¡Muchas gracias por participar de esta gran cruzada y compartir la iniciativa con tus amigos!
¿Qué les parece? Y así lo haremos al inicio de cada estación, pues es
sabido que hay libros de primavera, de verano, de otoño e invierno...y
bueno sería que en cada estación se sembraran en nuevas manos y
corazones, ¡y así seguirían siempre vivos!
* * * *
The idea is to "release" (leave) a book in a public space (pharmacy,
supermarket, bar, public transportation, cinema, museum, etc.). You may
participate of this event by releasing a book on March 21st, 2015,
wherever you live or may be at the time.
To participate, leave a book in a public space with a dedication saying:
-That the book is a part of the "Lost Book Club".
-That whoever finds it can keep it, but when they are done with it, it must be released again, so someone else may enjoy it.
-The date and place where it was left, so in each release is may be
possible to see where it has been, and instructions for the next person
to add his/her step.
Thank you for participating of this great crusade, and sharing the initiative with your friends!
What do you think? And we will do this at the beginning of each season,
for it is well known that there are books of spring, summer, fall and
winter... and it would be good that those should be planted in each
season within new hands and hearts, so they would forever live!
* * * *
Die Idee ist, "Samen" (lassen) ein Buch an einem öffentlichen Ort
(Apotheke, Automercado, Bar, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, Kino, Museum,
etc ...). Sie können in dem Vorschlag alle diejenigen, die ein Buch
dieses 21. Marz 2015 an dem Ort, wo sie leben oder sind zu diesem
Zeitpunkt freigeben möchten teilnehmen. Um teilzunehmen, lassen Sie ein Buch in einem öffentlichen Raum mit einer Widmung an eine Ihrer Seiten zeigt: - Das Buch ist Teil von "Die verlorene Bücher Verein". - Was ist der Finder aber nach Ihrer Lektüre freigegeben werden sollte, so kann es von anderen Menschen wieder genossen werden.
- Das Datum und die Stelle, wo es verloren gegangen ist, und jedes
Release wird es möglich sein zu wissen, wo Sie zurückgelegt haben. Vielen Dank für die Teilnahme an diesem großen Kreuzzug Initiative und mit Freunden teilen!
Was denken Sie? Und wir tun, dass am Anfang jeder Saison, es ist
bekannt, dass es Bücher für Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter ... gut,
dass jede Saison in neuen Händen und Herzen gepflanzt werden würde, und
so weiter, ewig zu leben !
* * * *
A ideia é liberar (deixar) um livro num espaço publico (drogaria, bar,
ônibus, cine, boteco, café etc...). Podem participar da proposta todos
aqueles que desejem, liberando um livro esse 21 de MArz de 2015no lugar
onde moram ou se encontrem nesse momento.
Para participar,
deixe um livro num espaço público com uma mensagem para quem for
encontrar o livro, dentro das páginas dele que indique
- Que o livro forma parte do "Clube dos livros perdidos"
- Que é de quem encontre ele, porém que ao final da leitura ele deverá
ser liberado, para que possa ser curtido por outras pessoas de novo.
- O dia e o lugar a onde foi "perdido", deste jeito em cada liberação será possível saber por onde o livro tem viajado
Muito grato por participar de esta grande viagem e compartilhar a iniciativa com os seus amigos!
O que vocês acham? e se agente fizer isto a cada inicio de estação,
pois é sabido que há livros de primavera, de verão, de outono e de
inverno... e seria ótimo semear em cada estação em novas mãos e
corações, assim continuariam vivos sempre!
* * * *
L'idea è quella di "liberare" (lasciare) un libro in un luogo pubblico
(farmacia, Automercado, bar, mezzi pubblici, cinema, musei, ecc ...).
Possono partecipare alla proposta tutti coloro che vogliono lasciando un
libro il 21 settembro 2014 nel luogo in cui vivono o sono in quel
Per partecipare, lasciare un libro in uno spazio pubblico con una dedica in una delle sue pagine che indichi:
- Il libro fa parte di "il Club dei Libri Perduti".
- Il libro è di proprietà di chi l'ha trovato, ma alla fine della
lettura dovrebbe essere rilasciato, in modo che possa essere goduto da
altre persone ancora. - La data e il luogo in cui è stato perso, cosi ogni volta che viene liberato sarà possibile sapere dove ha viaggiato. Grazie per partecipare a questa grande crociata e condividere l'iniziativa con i tuoi amici!
Cosa ne pensi? E lo faremo all'inizio di ogni stagione, si sa che ci
sono libri di primavera, estate, autunno e inverno ... e servirebbe in
ogni stagione piantarli in nuove mani e nel cuore, e così possano sempre
* * * *
Il s'agit de "libérer" (laisser) un livre dans un espace public
(pharmacie, auto-marché, bar, transports en commun, cinéma, musée, etc.)
Tout le monde peut participer, sans aucune restriction, il suffit pour
cela de libérer un livre le 21 septembre 2013 là vous habitez ou bien où
vous vous trouvez à ce moment-là.
Pour participer, il suffit de laisser un livre dans un espace publique en y ajoutant une dédicace qui indique que: - le livre fait partie du "Club des livres perdus"
-il appartient à celui qui le trouve mais dès que la lecture sera finie
il devra être à nouveau libéré afin que d'autres personnes puissent
jouir de sa lecture à leur tour. -le jour et l'endroit où il a été perdu, ainsi à chaque libération on connaîtra l'itinéraire qu'il a accompli.
Un grand merci pour la participation dans cette grande croisade et pour le partage de cette initiative avec vos amis!
Qu'en pensez-vous? Et nous ferons de même tous les ans, au début de
chaque saison car comme nous le savons tous, chaque livre a sa saison,
il y a des livres de printemps, d'été, d'automne et d' ce
serait tellement bien de semer à chaque début de saison de nouveaux
livres dans des mains et des coeurs nouveaux de manière à ce qu'ils
perdurent à travers le temps et la vie!
La idea és "alliberar" (deixar) un llibre en un espai públic (farmàcia,
Automercat, bar, transport públic, cine, museu, etc ...). Poden
participar de la proposta tots aquells que ho desitgin alliberant un
llibre aquest 21 de setembre de 2014 a el lloc on visquin o es trobin en
aquest moment.
Per participar, dejá un llibre en un espai públic amb una dedicatòria en una de les pàgines que indiqui:
- Que el llibre forma part de "El Club dels Llibres Perduts".
- Que és de qui el trobi però que en finalitzar la seva lectura ha de
ser alliberat, perquè pugui ser gaudit per altres persones novament.
- El dia i el lloc on va ser perdut, així en cada alliberament serà possible saber per on ha viatjat.
Moltes gràcies per participar d'aquesta gran croada i compartir la iniciativa amb els teus amics!
Què els sembla? I així ho farem a l'inici de cada estació, ja que és
sabut que hi ha llibres de primavera, d'estiu, de tardor i hivern ... i
bo seria que en cada estació es sembressin en noves mans i cors, ¡i així
seguirien sempre vius !
From a story garden in Cornwall to hexagonal towers in Los Angeles, we
look at inventive spaces designed to get children excited about books. School libraries shelve tradition to create new learning spaces. Sarah Marsh and Lisa Spiller
The Stephen Perse
Foundation junior school in Cambridge asked architects chadwick dryer
clarke to redesign an area of their school for storytelling. The
outcome: lots of open spaces along with a stage for pupils to act out
what they have learned.
Photograph: Daniel Shearing
Renowned architect Louis
Kahn was commissioned to design the Phillips Exeter Academy in 1965. It
was complete by 1971. The space provides access to 260,000 print and
electronic volumes.
Photograph: Phillips Exeter Academy Archives
The Robin Hood Library
Initiative, a partnership of the Robin Hood Foundation and the New York
City Department of Education, was supported by the city’s mayor and
corporate donors. A team of architects worked with the community to
design, build and equip new elementary school libraries. This is one of
the school’s they worked with in the Bronx.
Photograph: Peter Mauss of Esto
Another school renovated
as part of the Robin Hood Initiative. Since 2002, 62 libraries have
been decorated in an unprecedented effort to improve the educational
opportunities of New York’s neediest children. This image shows another
school in the Bronx.
Photograph: Peter Mauss of Esto
Nansole academy in
Cornwall has created a story garden with a hobbit house, waterfall,
castle area (with a mock ship), and this wonderful spider web.
Photograph: Dawn Woods/School Library Association
The library at
Cordwalles junior school in Surrey has been transformed into an
enchanted forest complete with astroturf for carpet. The room has a
magical feel with a working water feature.
Photograph: Cordwalles junior school
The Duston school in
Northampton adapted its library to suit a range of lessons and
activities. The soft seating area near the mural encourages reading for
pleasure. The panels are rearranged during exam season to create
individual revision stations.
Photograph: The Duston school
Duston school’s mural
was created by Ashley Elliott, a former student who now works for the
school as the events and partnership co-ordinator. It shows the London
skyline and was installed to celebrate the 2012 Olympics.
Photograph: The Duston school
Locke High school in Los
Angeles renovated their 3,000 square foot student area into an open,
minimalist space that is now known as Locke Jetspace. It includes books
layered in hexagonal towers which can be modified to serve as seating,
shelving or a workspace.
Photograph: No Right Brain Left Behind
No Right Brain Left
Behind helped design the Jetspace with a view to see a library would
look like in 2050. The space serves nearly 2,000 students and has audio
and visual capabilities, mobile technologies such iPads, prototyping
materials and more.
Photograph: No Right Brain Left Behind
A college in Suffolk,
One sixth form, built this learning resource centre with reading and
computer facilities in their school atrium. It’s used by students and
the local community.
Photograph: One sixth form college
Toorak college in
Melbourne, Australia, utilised their vast Norman Carson Library by
creating lots of sociable seating areas, including this bean bag nook
for quiet reading.
Photograph: Toorak college
Rosendale primary school
in south London needed a library but didn’t have the space. The
solution, devised by designer Kate Gorely working with Forge Architects,
was to create a learning zone winning the School Library Association
Library Design Award for 2011.
Photograph: Forge Architects
Keeping some of the
original features, such as seats, allows every inch of the Rosendale
library bus to give pupils reading and learning opportunities.
Photograph: Rosendale school
Located near Hadrian’s
Wall, Haltwhistle Community Campus wanted to capture students
imagination and embrace local heritage when they overhauled their
library space. Using a Roman theme, castle-style brickwork wallpaper was
added and a feature wall giving the illusion of a Northumbrian valley.
Photograph: FG Library
Wybourn community
primary school in Sheffield combined technology with traditional reading
styles at its school. There’s open seating as well as one or two nooks
for those wanting some quiet time.
Photograph: Julian S Wood
ACS Hillingdon
International school transformed their library into a magical poetry
palace for Poetry Week. Dens and caves were created, windows blackened
and fairy lights installed to create a magical reading experience.
Photograph: ACS Hillingdon International school
Dame Bradbury’s school
in Saffron Walden commissioned chadwick dryer clarke to redesign the
school’s library when it was relocated to their Edwardian caretaker’s
house. The tree of knowledge concept they used became a central focal
point, providing seating and book storage.
Docente de Nivel Inicial con especializaciòn en Literatura Infantil,
Docente de Adultos/Adolescentes y Bibliotecaria.
Actualmente terminando la carrera de docente de Nivel Primario y comenzando la Licenciatura en Bibliotecología